SQL Server Everywhere Security
SQL Server Everywhere Security
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
SQL Server Everywhere Security
Zero (known & unacceptable) defects
Orcas – another round of VS improvements
The Digital Native Platform
Splash screens using VB2005 Application Framework
VB.NET needs Iterators
Joining the IE7 bandwagon
OneCare v’s WMDC
UMPC – retail or enterprise
OneCare beta prevents VPN connections in Vista RC2
Pc-cillin v’s OneCare
Walking the walk of shame – when blogs get it wrong
Screen Resolution – how small should we go
WPF/e defining some language priorities (aka web developers use c# not VB)
Vendor Presentations/Interviews
[OT] Whinging Australian farmers
Project Glidepath
Occasionally Connected Systems Sync Framework
VB.NET Event Handlers
Hiding my password