VB guys can be Zealots too
VB guys can be Zealots too
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
VB guys can be Zealots too
Rockin’ End User Experience
What do Victorian .NET SIG attendees and Ben Cousins have in Common?
"Ride the Wave" – Early Event Notification
Why some C# developers are Zealots!
Sydney Geek Coffee – Wednesdays @ 1pm
SQL Server Compact Edition – Getting Started
VS2008 Goodness
More Perth Events – ACS IT in the Pub
Perth IT Life
Forget the OBH this Summer, Come visit the SBH!
Small Features are Cool Too!
More Behavioural Change
Visual Studio 2008 – Are 3 Pillars Enough?
More Gadgets – Stop Drooling!
Windows Mobile v’s iPhone
New Technologies != Better Architecture
Occasionally Connected RAD Framework
Why Google should stick to building websites!
Australian Microsoft Developer User Groups