The Danger of Setting CacheMode to BitmapCache on Windows 8

This week has been full of interesting challenges as we worked to release another Windows 8 application for a client. Credit must go to the client who has set the expectation bar at an incredibly high level – I truly wish all clients had this level of respect for their brand, identity, apps, website etc. One of the challenges we came up against was with a very persistent image that refused to display correctly. By correctly I mean without any distortion, blurring, pixelation etc that happens when you incorrectly resize images. Now we only really saw this on the Surface 2 which runs at a scale factor of 140 and it was clearly evident that the image that was displayed was blurry. Following all the documentation and guidance we provided images at 100, 140 and 180 scale factors and validated that the correct image was being show by tagging each image to make them slightly unique. We also ensured that the image element was the correct size for the image and that Stretch was set to None (interesting side note – it appears that even if the element size matches the image size, if you leave Stretch to its default value of Uniform you end up with some visual distortion).

Even after doing all of that we still ended up with an image that was slightly blurry – enough that you’d have thought the image had been blown up slightly. It turns out that we had set CacheMode=BitmapCache on a parent element to ensure that when we animated the elements they would animate together. Removing the CacheMode attribute resulted in the image appearing crystal clear.

Ok, so here’s the original.



Here’s an image where the left side is taken from an element with CacheMode=BitmapCache, the right side is from an element without this attribute – spot the difference (hint, look at the edge of the spiral towards the centre)



Here’s an image where the top is taken from an element with CacheMode=BitmapCache, the bottom side is from an element without this attribute – again you should be able to see the difference.



Call out to mobile developers out there – do you care this much about your apps? If not, then you need to re-evaluate your quality bar.

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