New BuildIt Release for NetStandard 2.0 (General, States and Forms)

A new release of the following libraries is available via NuGet (v1.1.0.134):




Whilst not much has changed in terms of features, behind the scenes there was quite a significant change as we adjusted the solution/project structure, and thus the nuget package structure. We took advantage of the ability to multi-target which meant we no longer have to have separate projects/libraries in order to support platform specific features. BuildIt.General, which used to have a UWP specific library, is now a single libary. Same goes for BuildIt.States. BuildIt.Forms has two libraries, down from the 5 that it used to have.

Additionally we also added direct support for netstandard 2.0. As part of the build process, each library is compiled for netstandard 1.0, netstandard 2.0 and then any platforms that have additional features.

In this release we’ve released multiple packages with the same version number, even though there is an interdependency between them (Forms –> States –> General).

Please reach out and let me know if you see any issues in this release with any of these libraries. We’ll be working to release updates to the other BuildIt libraries over the coming weeks.

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