States v’s Regions for Multi-Window Applications
States v’s Regions for Multi-Window Applications
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
States v’s Regions for Multi-Window Applications
Cross Platform Visual States
SplitView Bug in the Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
Ignite Session Recordings
Changing DataContext and Compiled Data Binding in Universal Windows Platform Applications
Application Development Using States and Transitions
Microsoft and The Smith Family via the #WeSpeakCode Program Delivers Coding to Students at Mitchell High School on Windows 10 as part of #UpgradeYourWold Campaign
Launching Windows Store Applications from Code in Windows 10
Visual Studio 2015 RTM and the case of the missing Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows 8.1
Compiled DataBinding in Windows Universal Applications (UAP)
Build it Beta for Windows and Windows Phone
Distribution of Application for the Windows Platform for Testing
Windows 10 Jumpstart Training
Unable to Activate Windows Store App
Package Manifest for Windows 10
Code Reorganisation for Real Estate Inspector Sample
Dynamic Layout with the Windows Platform
Breaking up the User Experience to Allow for Reuse across Windows and Windows Phone
Navigation Flow for Real Estate Inspector Application for Windows Phone
Data Synchronization and Sqlite Data Model For Multi-User Scenarios